Cookai SLIM 140
- Language
Cookai SLIM 140 は、河口やサーフ、干潟、磯などショアからのシーバスゲームにおいて幅広く対応するハイレスポンス・スリムミノー。極限までスリムに突き詰めたボディ設計と、抵抗を徹底低減した極小のチップビルにより、低水圧でもしなやかなタイトピッチ・ロールアクションを発生。リアルベイトのような極細の線光明滅を放ち、食い渋るモンスタ-のバイトを誘います。また、スリムボディに搭載された3つの高比重タングステンウエイトボールによる3連重心移動が、圧倒的なロングキャスタビリティに貢献。荒天時の逆風・強風下においてもロングディスタンスアプローチを可能にし、従来の同サイズミノーを遥かに上回る驚異的な飛距離を叩き出します。匠の技術が生み出した究極のスリムミノー、Cookai SLIM 140がシーバスゲームの新たな一手を切り拓きます。
TheCookai SLIM 140 is a highly-responsive saltwater minnow that can be used for a wide range of sea bass games from shore, such as estuaries, surf and mud flats.The body is designed to be as slim as possible to emit ultra-fine flickering flash like real bait to attract reluctant monster bites. The diminutive lip size reduces drag and produces a supple, tight pitch-and-roll action even at slower retrieve speeds. The triple tungsten moving bThe Cookai SLIM 140 is a highly-responsive saltwater minnow that can be used for a wide range of sea bass games from shore, such as estuaries, surf and mud flats.The body is designed to be as slim as possible to emit ultra-fine flickering flash like real bait to attract reluctant monster bites. The diminutive lip size reduces drag and produces a supple, tight pitch-and-roll action even at slower retrieve speeds. The triple tungsten moving balancer system throws its weight behind casting distance, enabling superior cast performance even in strong headwinds and stormy weather, far outclassing conventional minnows of the same size.TheCookai SLIM 140 is the ultimate slim minnow created by master craftsmen, opening up a new way to play the sea bass game at the highest level.alancer system throws its weight behind casting distance, enabling superior cast performance even in strong headwinds and stormy weather, far outclassing conventional minnows of the same size.The Cookai SLIM 140 is the ultimate slim minnow created by master craftsmen, opening up a new way to play the sea bass game at the highest level.
- Length
- 144mm
- Weight
- 20g
- Type
- Other.1
- Hook : #4 x 3
- Price
2,200 円 (税別)

