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DOG-X Jr. SWは、遡上したコアユを狙う河川のシーバスをはじめ、ハク・イナッコを偏食するシーバスに絶大な効果を発揮。マッチ・ザ・ベイトのアジャスタビリティを極める小さなボディサイズながら、水面を鮮やかに滑走する「ダイナミックなスライド&ターン」とDOG-X伝統の「生命感溢れるV字波紋」は、サイズを超えた大きな存在感を放ち、偏食を極めたクレバーな大型クラスにも存分にアピール。したがって、DOG-X Jr. SWは強靭な太軸フックを搭載。高い確率でDOG-X Jr. SWに反応するタフなモンスターシーバスの分厚い顎を適格に捉え、確実にラフファイトを制して手中に収めることができるセッティングが、「小さな巨人」を体現します。
The DOG-X Jr. SW is highly effective for seabass that prey on upstream-swimming juvenile sweetfish in rivers, as well as those with a preference for small mullet and juvenile anchovy. Despite its small body size, which perfectly evokes juvenile bait, it features a vivid surface-skimming walking slide and the DOG-X's renowned V-wave ripple. This creates a presence that surpasses its size, making a strong natural appeal to even the clever, large-sized seabass with picky eating habits. Therefore, the DOG-X Jr. SW is equipped with strong thick-wire hooks. This “Little Giant” subdues even the toughest monster seabass, capitalizing on opportunistic feeders.
- Length
- 71mm
- Weight
- 6.5g
- Type
- Other.1
- Hook : #6(Front) +#8(Rear)
- Price
1,600 円 (税別)

慣性バランサーシステム(PAT.) Moving Balancer System (PAT.)
In addition to supporting cast accuracy and distance, the rear-mounted balancer adds inertial energy to supercharge walking distance. This creates noticeably long slides on the walk and outsized action uncharacteristic of small pencils. Moreover, an opening between the fixed tail weight and the moving balancer compartment allows exhilarating contact, generating a precise high tone sound with rod work.