- Language
The FUWABUG is a rockfish predator that comes loaded with a hollow point body design and wild action arms to entrap its targets. The unique, hollow body gives it a tender bite feel without resorting to softer materials that lack durability. In tests, this optimal mouthfeel has resulted in extraordinarily long bites and enviable hook up rates.
FUWABUG is a next-generation angling tool that delivers overwhelming bites. Each part of the body has countless ribs that grab the water to generate subtle movement even with light line tension. The strong movements of the large arms stimulates the predatory instincts of rockfish and elicits bites in situations where others may be getting ready to call it a night. FUWABUG is an amazing hollow point crustaceous bait that forcibly ignites the predatory instinct of rockfish.
* The photograph is a prototype.
- Type
- 1.8inch / 2.5inch / 3.8inch
- 入数
- 1.8inch: 6本入 / 2.5inch : 5本入 / 3.8inch : 4本入
- Price
1.8inch : 720 / 2.5inch : 740 / 3.8inch : 760 円 (税別)

大ボリュームのアームパーツ Large volume arm parts
The thick, welcoming arms of the FUWABUG generate a strong push when lifting. On the fall, it shows off its wriggling ability to stimulate fish's predatory instincts.

僅かな水流でも自発的アクションするレッグパーツ Leg parts with spontaneous action even with minimal water flow
The "U" shaped leg parts of the FUWABUG vibrate gently even with a slight water current, showcasing natural action without angler input.
The lure is constantly moving when it is dragged, giving it the action of a walking crustacean.

甲殻類の質感を再現したマテリアル&中空ボディ Material and hollow body that reproduces the texture and feel of a crustacean
To reproduce the texture of a crustacean, the material of the FUWABUG has been made slightly harder to ensure durability. This also ensures FUWABUG can be comfortably deployed along rocky shores.
The hollow body design elicits long-lasting, satisfied bites and improved hooking performance.

Products 礁楽 series

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