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VATISSAの極小ヘキサリップは、アクションを過大化させてしまう水流を受け流し、微細な波動とレスポンシブなロールアクションのみを創出。リトリーブ速度とロッドティップを高低させる調整で、微弱な引き波を生みながらの水面引きや水面直下のロールアクションなど、意のままに表層引きにおける誘いのコントロールが可能。 VATISSAは、卓越したエアロダイナミクスとマグネティック重心移動システムにより、スーパースリムボディの常識を覆す、圧巻のロングディスタンス・キャスタビリティを実現。 新機軸スリムベイト、VATISSAの卓越したアジャスタビリティと通常のミノーでは太刀打ちできないタフな状況下での圧倒的な誘引力は、湾岸のシーバスゲームを一変させます。
The compact Hex-Lip of the VATISSA harnesses water flow to produce only the desired subtle waves and responsive roll actions for ultra-shallow performance. By adjusting the retrieve speed and rod tip height, you can precisely control the lure’s movement on the surface or just below it, creating delicate wake action or subtle roll action as needed.
- Dead Slow Retrieve: Exhibits a slow roll that completely eliminates agile wobbling. With a subtle, straight-line movement that closely mimics the weak life-like motions of ragworms and nereid worms, it perfectly syncs with the delicate life signals of the "bachi" pattern, delivering explosive performance.
- Slow to Medium Retrieve: Generates a fine-pitch rolling action that fits slender bait patterns such as icefish and needlefish, adjusting to situations where these baitfish are being chased.
- Fast Retrieve: Maintains a position just below the water surface without breaking through, while consistently staying within an ultra-shallow range. Displays a rolling action with minimized axis deviation, and the wide-angle roll and flashing create a panic bait effect.
The VATISSA, with its outstanding aerodynamics and magnetic center-of-gravity shift system, achieves extraordinary long-distance castability that defies the norms of super-slim bodies. The exceptional adjustability and unparalleled allure of the new-concept slim bait, VATISSA, make it a game-changer for seabass fishing in bay areas, outperforming standard minnows even in the toughest conditions.
- Length
- 93mm
- Weight
- 6g
- Type
- Other.2
- Hook : #8 x 2pcs
- Price
1,500 円 (税別)

極小ヘキサリップ Compact Hex-Lip
Effectively harnesses water flow to produce only the desired subtle waves and responsive roll actions for ultra-shallow performance.