- Language
X-80 MAGNUM SRは、世界のソルトシーンを席巻し続ける不変の「定番」、X-80シリーズのX-80 MAGNUMをベースに水深1mまでのシャローレンジを攻略するために開発。水面下50~60㎝といった「ど」シャローを主戦場とするSRモデルにおいても、極限まで「ベイトライクな動き」を追求し、従来シャローミノーの緩慢なアクションとは一線を画す、X-80 MAGNUMシリーズに共通するハイピッチロールアクションを実現。また、低重心化・超高比重・小径タングステンバランサーを「トリプル重心移動」させ、スリムミノーの常識をくつがえす圧倒的なロングキャスタビリティを実現。なお、SRモデルについてはフローティング設定によりシャローでのレンジキープ力とレスポンス性能を高めています。ナイトソルトゲームにおけるゴールデンレンジに、かつてないピッチと波動で切り込むX-80 MAGNUM SRの登場により、ソルトミノーの新境地がまた切り拓かれます。
The X-80 MAGNUM SR draws its DNA from the X-80 series, a consistent outperformer that rules salt scenes around the world. Developed to capture the shallow range, the SR dominates from 0-1m, exhibiting truly dynamic bait-like movement and the same high-pitch roll action that made the X-80 MAGNUM a staple in serious tackle boxes. The SR also features a patented low-mounted triple tungsten moving balancer system that powers overwhelmingly long castability, vastly outdistancing the conventional wisdom of slim minnows. The SR model is tuned to float to enhance its range-keeping ability and crank up its responsiveness to rod work in shallow water. The X-80 MAGNUM SR cuts through the golden range of the night salt game and shallow flats with unprecedented pitch and roll action, unlocking a new world of salt minnow fishing.
- Length
- 115mm
- Weight
- 15g
- Type
- Other.1
- Target Range : 0.5m(MAX 0.8m)
- Other.2
- Hook : #6 x 3pcs
- Price
2,050 円 (税別)

Wide Bend Bill
High pitch roll action is a departure from the muted action of many conventional shallow minnows.

Tungsten Triple Weight Oscillation System(PAT.)
When casting, the dual impact of high specific gravity and inertial energy created by the triple tungsten moving balancer system delivers crushing long-range distance, dangling a lifelike specimen under targets that used to be just out of reach.